As if I didn’t have enough to deal with, I got this from young
Clicky sometime (I’ve lost of sense of time since I’ve spent days in bed and nights on the couch). So of course I have to put to one side the mountain of work that piled up over the holliers, and treat this with top priority. What is it then? Or to quote the Click Here-self, “what is the meme-ing of this?” (oh, very droll).
It appears to be the chain letter of the 21st century, except with blogs, and about 90% less annoyance. Here be the rules:
The first player of this game starts with the topic five weird habits of yourself, and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says You are tagged (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.
Now, to find five faults with my perfect self, and five poor suckers to tag…
Weird-o1. My shoes must be clean at all times. If I see any little scuff or bit of dirt, I must repair to the loo or someplace where soap, water and paper towels are plentiful, and get them fixed. Even if the rest of me looks like I’ve been living rough under a bridge or I’ve just run away from the circus, the footwear’s gotta be clean.
2. I hate writing with biros. Hate them hate them hate them. And then I break them.
3. I’ve set my mouse on my work PC to be a lefty, but the one at home to be a righty. Not sure what my brain was thinking, but that’s the way it’s gotta be.
4. “Comical” mispronunciation or elongation of certain words. I’m doing it more and more. “By the light of the silvery mooing”, “I’m not walking all the way home, I’ll catch a taxidermy instead”, “Hasta la pasta!” and so on. In my defence, this is all my father’s fault, and can therefore be excused for hereditary reasons.
5. It’s perfectly normal, but the common misconception is that a third of a regular-sized teaspoon of sugar is a weird amount to take in one’s tea. Also the precise nature of the amount is considered weird by many, and the way that I check that I have it just right (need to hold it up to eye level, aerial view is not accurate enough). This is not an admission of weirdness, just a nod to everyone who gets on my case about this. It’s noted, jerks.
And now the honour is passed on to Shano , D_C , Evenewra , Manas and Cadavre Exquis . Yes, you are all so very honoured…
Labels: friends, fun interweb stuff