Summer here kids?
So, it’s almost like it could nearly be maybe heading towards the idea of summer here in Dublin. Those cherry blossoms that used to freak me out so much (cherry blossoms = exam time = near heart failure) are blowing around the place, I’m back wearing my inappropriate t-shirts in the office, I’ve a longing on me for some barbecue (ok, that happens all year). Something is afoot. I’ve been spending so much time going home and making sure everyone there is ok, I’ve reached overkill, I think, so this weekend I’m going to stay in town, hang out with some peeps that I haven’t seen in months (sorry everyone!), maybe get some pizza…
One of the spudders brought this to my attention last week, timely as it was with Easter and all that. For all your bakers out there, this will probably make you feel a bit sick, but for fans of the strange, it’s good eatin’!
And conga-rats to Shano on the new job! Check out his blog over here to the right, he's our man in the Emerald City!