Sometimes general rants, sometimes specific rants. Sometimes pants. You spins the wheel, you takes yer chance!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Happy, happy, happy...

The parentals celebrated 30 years of wedded bliss yesterday (and yes, that's 30 years total!). Now traditionally, 30 years is marked as the Pearl Anniversary, so I was wondering, does their present have to be pearls, or pearl-related? So I hit the old in-tro-net, and discovered this heah. Traditional gift = pearls, Modern gift = DIAMONDS??!! Stupid modernity!

In the end we got them a barbecue (between the three of us). A gas one, not pearl-encrusted. Despite all their best hopes and ambitions, neither myself, Sib 1, nor Sib 2 are yet millionaires. But we sure do love that BBQ. The least we can do for our Traditional Irish Mammy is abstain from vegetarianism.



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