Ding Dong, the Sniffling's Gone!
Recovered from the dose, but I seem to have passed it on to a few people at work, carrier monkey that I am. Oh well. I just pass on the same advice that my sympathetic brother gave me – Soak it up, Sicko!
The Too-Early-For-Christmas panic attacks only get worse now, and I’m not the only one who’s freaking out. While looking around the shops on Sunday afternoon, I was almost trampled on by a stampede of consumers, pushing at tills, grimacing like they’ve got hot coals in their undies, buying all around them. ‘Tis the Season to be awful, it would seem. I still regard this time of year as Autumn, in that if there isn’t frost on my nose when I wake up in the morning, then winter hasn’t really set in.
Mam called last night to pass on trouser size info (that’s what she told me to get Dad for Christmas), but only realised that she had failed to check the size after she had dialled my number. She threw the phone at Sib 2 so he could chat while she went to check out the trews. When she came back, my Dad had come into the hall, and stood beside her waiting to talk to me. She came back on the phone and in her best secret agent voice said “it’s 31 degrees in South Africa today, remember you asked me about that? 31.” I wasn’t exactly sure what she was talking about for a minute, but then finally copped on (I would be a pretty crappy agent). She left the phone to a very confused Dad, who probably now thinks someone’s bringing him to South Africa for Christmas.
Going to a cocktails and poker party tonight. Because I don’t have enough vices already.
Labels: famiglia