Sometimes general rants, sometimes specific rants. Sometimes pants. You spins the wheel, you takes yer chance!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Happy, happy, happy...

The parentals celebrated 30 years of wedded bliss yesterday (and yes, that's 30 years total!). Now traditionally, 30 years is marked as the Pearl Anniversary, so I was wondering, does their present have to be pearls, or pearl-related? So I hit the old in-tro-net, and discovered this heah. Traditional gift = pearls, Modern gift = DIAMONDS??!! Stupid modernity!

In the end we got them a barbecue (between the three of us). A gas one, not pearl-encrusted. Despite all their best hopes and ambitions, neither myself, Sib 1, nor Sib 2 are yet millionaires. But we sure do love that BBQ. The least we can do for our Traditional Irish Mammy is abstain from vegetarianism.


Friday, July 22, 2005

Buddy, can you spare a grand?

There's too much month at the end of the money. So send me some!

Just messing. Unless you really want to. Then I support your decision 100%. Turns out that living in town is not the carefree financial jaunt I thought it would be, and as well as paying rent, there's food to buy, films to go see, gigs to attend, beer to drink, CDs to buy, and on and on. The list of necessities is mucho long-o. But I had no problem forking over the dollars to go see the film DiG! in the IFI last night. It's a documentary about the rivalry between two bands, The Dandy Warhols and The Brian Jonestown Massacre. Lar the Drummer came along too, and he was impressed, so I tell all of thee, go see. And then form a band. And then start a fight with another band. Because there's nothing funnier than a rock n' roll bitchfest.

Advance Happy Birthday to Hoppy, who is away on her annual jaunt to Canadia tomorrow. Don’t come back without Twizzlers, Hops!

Ha ha, you think I’m just kidding? You should know better…

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Holding Hands

So small! Posted by Picasa

So baby Cathal came to visit me at home last Friday (his mom drove). I'll take it easy with all the baby talk and photos and whatnot, because I know it can be boring for some (??!!), so for the time being I'm just going to post this one, which I think kinda sums up the whole miracle of life thing without being too corny. Or have I just corned it all up?

Anyway, this is his itty bitty hand, holding on to mine. * sigh *

(normal ranting will resume soon)

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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

New arrival

Baby Cathal Posted by Picasa

Presenting Cathal James Nicholas Forde, my cousin Caithriona's newborn. He arrived last Friday, and should be heading home to sunny Kildare today. I have no other information about him yet, as I've yet to see him in person. All that Cate told me was that he was tiny but long, and very quiet, so she's not sure if he belongs to her (she's chatty!). I'll have more detail like weight, eye colour, etc, after I see him at the weekend. And probably about a million photos too.

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Friday, July 01, 2005

Oh! Canada!

Eh?! Posted by Picasa

Happy Canada Day! They're taking over!

But in a good way! Cam & cb just came back to the officina with a big box of Tim Horton's (Canadian) doughnuts, and man were they good. I had my private moment with a delish jam filled delight and a lovely cuppa cha. God bless Canada!