Sometimes general rants, sometimes specific rants. Sometimes pants. You spins the wheel, you takes yer chance!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

30 degrees, religion, and rum

Some text messages received from Sib 2 over the past few days, he was on pilgrimage in Medj with the parentals, then they went to Croatia for a few days to shake off all the religion. He’s been looking for mojitos for the past while, but refused to go to any bar in Dublin that might serve them, for “fear of the gay homosexuals.” He finally managed to get one in Dubrovnik...

Him: Havin a mojito, fuckin’ lovely

Me: Just the one?!

Him: Well I’ve finished that one, quite delightful, so I might just have another

One day later…

Him: Had a few more mojitos today, started Ma and Da on them, ma wants you to get the recipe for them…

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Blogger Evenewra said...

Okay, I'm sorry to say, but I didn't get that entry at all. It was all Irish to me.

12:26 a.m.

Blogger Evenewra said...

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12:26 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

made sense to me! But then I'm Irish, and it involved drinking, so....

7:41 p.m.


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