Back from nowhere
Been a bad blogger of late. It all started when I took a week off work to rest up and rendezvous with some people I hadn’t seen in ages. Yes, that’s right, it was the return of the travelling girlies! 11 months! And they haven’t changed a bit! Apart from having tans and weary bones and absolutely no money. So I was down in the sticks visiting them, then back in town going out on the razz all the time. I’ve been knackered ever since. Clever plan, wasn’t it?

Supposed to be going to Lahndan this weekend to visit young Vicki and go see Avenue Q (woo hoo!). If they let me into the country, that is. Recent developments mean Heathrow is no longer the magical wonderland of whimsy and amusement it once was. Will have full report next week. Hopefully!
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